Hand holding The Mushroom Magazine

The Mushroom Magazine

In 2020, the studio had the privilege of collaborating with the esteemed North West design agency Teacake Design on the first issue of the Mushroom Magazine. This intriguing publication, spearheaded by two distinguished mycology experts, delves into the fascinating world of mushrooms.

Although not our direct client, it was a true honour for the studio to be invited to contribute to this project alongside Teacake. Our involvement included providing consultative input on editorial design decisions and taking the lead in designing several spreads within the magazine.

The Mushroom Magazine open with hands holding it
The Mushroom Magazine open with hands holding it
The Mushroom Magazine open
The Mushroom Magazine open
The Mushroom Magazine

Drawing upon our strong foundation in editorial design, we eagerly embraced the opportunity to delve back into the realm of printed media. It allowed the studio to showcase our expertise and passion by creating layouts that beautifully complemented the engaging content found within the pages of the Mushroom Magazine.

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